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Google Update: Google Guarantee Badge

What is the Google Guarantee Badge? We're keeping close eyes on this new feature. Learn more here.

The Value of Preserving Your Online Presence

Results in SEO and PPC do not happen overnight, so it's essential to maintain campaigns in order to fully benefit.

Eight Terrible Dental Stock Photos

Have you ever wondered how much a website designer had to drink before selecting an awful stock dental photo?

Software Update: URL Overhaul

We've released a complete overhaul to our existing URL structure for all clients on our platform!

7 Features on Google My Business You Need to Optimize

An accurate GMB listing requires time and maintenance. Use the following checklist to ensure an optimized GMB profile.

Updates: Google My Business Changes due to COVID-19

After several weeks in hiding, it seems that previously queued Google reviews are starting to reappear.

Software Update: Schema Release

What is schema and why does it matter? Learn more about our recent overhaul and how it benefits your website.

Who Should Write Dental Website Content?

Who is the best person to write your dental website content? Let's look at what you should take into consideration.

When Is It Okay to Remove Homepage Content?

Keeping your homepage content fresh and relevant is necessary, but how do you keep from shooting yourself in the foot?

Updates: Google and Facebook SMB Grants

Learn more about the credits/grants that Google and Facebook are offering during the coronavirus pandemic.

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